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A simple Explanation: How your Business can benefit from Google Ads.
Google Analytics They use innovative approaches combined with analytics and research to help clients reach the city-minded millennial demographic in their efforts to “sway” consumers to the brands they represent. Hit With Google Analytics, a hit is ANY request sent to the GA data collection system. This includes page views, events, custom variables, measurement protocol uploads, etc. You can backup your Google Analytics data by keeping a copy of the hits sent to Google. There are many good reasons to do this, as explained here: backup your Google Analytics data Page view A page view is recorded every time a page is viewed. Or, more technically, a page-view is recorded every time the Google Analytics page view tracking method is executed. When a user hits the back button, a page view is recorded. When a visitor hits refresh, a page view is recorded. Every time a page is opened in the browser, regardless of whether it has been cached, a page view is recorded. (Of course, this assumes the tracking code is on the page in question.) Session A session consists of a series of page views that a single user makes during a period of activity. The session ends after the user either closes the browser, clears cookies, or is inactive for 30 minutes. (The timeout length is customization in the tracking code settings) Users Users are defined by a unique ID – this ID is usually stored in a cookie. Whenever the tracking code is executed, it looks for cookies on the browser set by the current domain. If they can’t be found, new cookies with a new ID are set. Google Analytics emphasizes sessions over users because of the inherent inaccuracies of trying to track individual users. For example, a user who deletes their cookies uses multiple browsers, or shares their computer will be inaccurately represented in the reports. Bounce A visit with one page view. It doesn’t matter how long the visitor was on the page or how they left. Technically, it’s a visit with only one interaction. Time on Page Time on page is measured by subtracting the time a visitor hits a page from the time they hit the next page. (e.g. If they hit Page 1 at 12:00 and hit Page 2 at 12:03, time on Page 1 is three minutes.) This means that the time on page for the last page in a visit is always zero because Google Analytics doesn’t track pages being closed. Time on Site This is the sum of the time on page for all page views on a visit. Or, more accurately, it is the difference between the time they viewed the first page and the last page in a visit. Note that viewing pages in different tabs doesn’t affect this. Google Analytics simply sees a string of pages being viewed in chronological order, without any reference to multiple tabs or windows. New Visitor A visitor who did not have Google Analytics cookies when they hit the first page in this visit. If a visitor deletes their cookies and comes back to the site, the visitor will be counted as a new visitor. Returning Visitor A visitor with existing Google Analytics cookies from a previous visit. Dollar Index A measurement of how influential a page is to conversion. The higher the number, the more frequently it was viewed prior to a purchase or conversion. It’s calculated by taking the goal conversion value or transaction value of a visit and applying it evenly to all the pages prior to that conversion. Seen in aggregate, it just attempts to correlate pages to conversions. Pages/Visit Page views divided by visits. This metric shows the average number of pages viewed per visit. Direct Traffic Ideally, this is the traffic that came to a site via bookmarks or by directly typing in the URL. In reality, it is the traffic for which the code couldn’t determine a source. Depending on the site and the browser, some links may not show a referrer and instead would be categorized as direct. Using campaign variables will get around this misrepresentation every time. Referring Sites This is traffic for which (1) a referrer was identified, (2) the referrer is not a search engine and (3) there are no campaign variables. The referring URL (a.k.a. the page that contains the link to your website) is also stored for referrals. Search Engine Traffic Google Analytics automatically categorizes traffic as coming from a search engine if the referring URL is from its list of known search engines and there is a search term identified in that URL. Both organic and paid search engine traffic is put into this group. Event Tracking A feature that allows you to track visitor activities separately from page views. This is commonly used to track interaction with AJAX or Flash content. Google Analytics API The API extracts data from Google Analytics accounts. It allows customers to pro grammatically extract Google Analytics data and incorporate it with 3rd party applications and/or databases. (Source Google analytics and Ad word.)

PR and Social Media Marketing Strategy:
The Critical Difference
It’s nearly impossible to separate social media strategy from Public Relations, given the ubiquity of digital and social media, as both a s, a news source and a driver of brand reputation. At Starbound PR Firm we understand how to develop a marketing campaign—to use social media to amplify earned media coverage and build a relationship with the company’s most important audience and stakeholders. Here are some guidelines for the development of an effective social media strategy and public relations initiatives. Set Goals Social media strategy is not an end in itself, but part of an overall communications plan. Listen A good social media strategy and plan should start with a social audit of your category and an analysis of competitors and partners. Know your Audience The next step is to take a deep dive into the persona of your audience – their needs, problems, and passions – to achieve maximum exposure.
What is a marketing persona ? Hubspot says that a buyer persona is “a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers”. Digital Marketing Institute defines it as “a personality that embodies a key segment of your audience”. Identify KOL’s . Social media is based on relationships, including those with influencers or “key opinion leaders”. Develop a Brand Voice It’s critical that your social media voice be true to the brand character and business’ values. Be Conversational Businesses should adopt a voice, tone, and persona that’s specific to their brand, but social media is a two-way street, and it’s always more effective to engage in conversation than to merely broadcast content. Social Media Engagement Public relations officers are natural storytellers who know how to craft a narrative or foster a conversation that’s a real dialogue, not a one-way commercial pitch. Social media engagement and activity doesn’t exist in a vacuum, so it should be informed by the company’s overall communications strategy. The public relations and social functions should be aligned within the business or company. The business’ professional communicators ideally should be involved in the social media strategy initiatives and content creation. The Critical Difference: Customer Network Behavior Due to emerging technologies and platforms, marketing has shifted from a single business marketing initiative to a new paradigm defined by Professor David L. Rogers in The Network is Your Customer, called customer network behavior , wherein there are five cores behaviors that customers are seeking to fulfill: Access – Seeking immediate, simple, and fast access to data. Engage – Seeking engaging content that is relevant. Customize – Seeking varied customized experiences that are relevant. Connect - Seeking digital experiences that allow communication and expression. Collaborate – Seeking to work together towards a shared goal. A good marketing plan includes objectives, timetables, advertising campaign plans, media buys, budgets, customer surveys, market research, KPI’s (Key performance Indicator), competitor research, and a great ROI (Return on Investment). Marketing advertising evaluates customer reviews, pay per click, bounce rate, and website visits. Digital marketing measures, social media insights, visits, likes, shares, and conversions into sales. Call Maggy Martinez at 404-543-3046 to schedule a free consultation.

5 things you need to know before you hired a videographer or photographer.
Ask the right questions. #1 Knowledgeable In photography knowledge is everything. Choosing the right lens, corret lighting measurements , composition. The day of your event has no place for improvisation. A good photographer has a perfect understanding of how to shoot your event and photos expected by the customer. #2 Reliability Reliability is the most important factor when you hire a videographer or photographer because you want to make :sure they will come to the day of your event. In case an emergency occurs, the photographer that you hire have plan B in case they cannot show up, The photographer needs to take the necessary steps to asure the photographer will do the job with the same quality and expectations. #3 Experience These are key questions you need the answer too. A good portfolio presented to you is key for making your final decision about who is going to cover your event. Always ask if the photographer or videographer is part of professional Association. #4 Good Attitude and a sense of service A good attitude and a sense of service are very important when it comes to how the photographer is going to work together videographe and understanding how everything will be developed during your event. #4 Transparency Let’s talk about numbers. Ambiguity is never good especially if you are working in a budget. Make sure everything is stated on the contract, and a list of all the details to be captured. #5 Responsibility When it comes the time to wrap it up, you want to make sure your final project will be delivered. Ask for recommendations from other clients or read reviews about the company.

The Future of PR Firms
Our First year!
During this year they are so many friends that I have to thank! I will tag you!
Atlanta, GA - The day I open my PR firm, I was so excited and thrilled to see my seventeen years in the making. Suddenly, I experienced an overwhelming feeling taking over me, and I realized for the first time in many years that I am now an entrepreneur in a very competitive world against PR Firms such as Ketchum and BRG Communications. So, I thought for a moment, what is the future of a new PR Firm? The answer is simple; the sky is the limit. What sets us apart from any globalized PR Firm?
It's our passion for doing the right thing and doing it effectively. These principles will set us apart from the rest. We will work hard to meet new customers and serve them with high standards and ethics. Small businesses are hungry to take their dreams to their next level. We are here to help them. We are proud to announce after one year in business, we have a 98% winning rate. Women running for office can count on us to make them win. Each day that passes by, video and photography are playing a more considerable role in PR. Bilingual marketing in social media is in high demand, especially in the political arena in the state of Georgia. Just like Frederick R. Barnard once said; a picture is worth a thousand words. The veteran PR practitioner needs to go back to the drawing board and establish new strategies to reach their audience. We need stay vigilant, like an owl in the night, and swing our minds into high gear in order to innovate and create new ways to get the message across. PR influencers and practitioners have many different channels to disseminate the message. The question is, how we are going to reach our audience and find our niche in a very sophisticated world of communication? Time will give us the right direction to pursue what we need to accomplish. We need to keep up with new trends and the constant changes in the technological world. We must study each innovation that appears on our horizon in the World Wide Web. As communicators, we can make the world a better place to live. We have a responsibility to send the right message in order to define the right future for our nation. It is up to us to be responsible and passionate communicators. Communication will unite us! Maggy Martinez
CMO StarboundPR Firm
Political Strategist
Power 92.3 Atlanta
Special thanks to Deja Davis Public Relations Executive for Starbound PR Firm.

Confused Whether You Need a Public Relations Person or a Marketeer?
Corrrected by me and my teacher STOCKBRIDGE, GA - Depending on your business size, at Starbound we can shelter is constantly changing, and it can be confusing to navigate so many social outputs and CRM platforms. At Starbound PR Firm, we will help you with your public relations and marketing needs. We can create a new branding message for your company or enhance the one you already have. Through Public Relations, we will create content to help you get noticed within the community you serve or your online presence. Through digital marketing we will create various advertising campaigns that will help you identify your potential customers and bring them to your door, with a great ROI. We are located in South Georgia to tailor public relations and marketing needs. We will measure your business’ outcome and evaluate the results. Everything depends on your business’ needsandwhereyou want to take your business from this point on. This is the place to come. Depending of your business and size at Starbound we can accommodate your business and bring costumers to your door. The technology world and the ever changing way, sometimes can be confusing . Starbound we help you funnel your needs. We can present your business in new ways to refresh your image and reputation and help you get notice within your community with a Public Relation campaign or help you identify your potential customers and bring them to your door with Facebook Leads Ad or any CRM ready to be use for example: mail chimp . Everything depends in your business needs and where you want to go from this point on. We Are Closer than What You Think Now at south GA, you have an PR & Branding agency that can tailored your campaigns base on your needs and making sure your cost is maintain low for a great ROI (Return of Investment). We will measure your business results and evaluate all outcomes.

How Counseling in Marketing is done at Starbound?
How Marketing decisions are done? Starbound we will do all the legwork for you. We will identify the best platform for your business. We don't have any contract with any CRM platforms, so we can counsel our customers freely and willingly without external influences. We will advised of the best and how to. In hyper-competitive, common digitized markets, customer experience is a competitive advantage. Your customers expect the same experience with your brand, regardless of where the interaction takes place on: social media, online, in-store, on your mobile app, on your website, or through the call center. If you fall short of these expectations, customers will easily jump to any number of better options, putting your business at risk. Will do it for you or we will train your employees to do it. Delivering the right message to the right person at the right time through a range of communication channels requires the ability to quickly collect data, gain insight, and parlay that insight into action. Modern marketing enables you to create personalized, meaningful experiences for customers, turning casual prospects into passionate advocates and achieving more revenue faster: We will Aggregate marketing data and target the right customers to simplify and streamline the customer experience. We will Orchestrate individualized, relevant customer experiences across channels. We will Analyze marketing performance, attribute revenue, and gain better insight into the customer experiences you provide.